The machine control industry in Australia and New Zealand

  • Industry Overview: The machine control industry in Australia and New Zealand is an integral part of the broader automation and industrial control systems sector. This industry encompasses technologies and services related to the automation and control of machinery in various sectors such as construction, mining, and agriculture.

Both Australia and New Zealand have been experiencing a growing trend in these sectors. Given the significant mining activities in Australia and the active construction industry in both countries, there is a substantial demand for machine guidance and safety systems in these areas.

Stricter environmental and safety regulations are driving the need for more sophisticated control systems that can ensure compliance while maintaining operational efficiency.

The adoption of Industry 4.0 principles is expected to accelerate, leading to smarter construction and mining methodologies, where machine technical control systems play a crucial role.

Government initiatives in the resource and infrastructure sectors will boost the demand for innovative technologies in plant and equipment to improve all round efficiencies. It is believed that currently there is around a 16% uptake where working machines are installed with some sort of operator assistance technology, this has been rumoured to grow to plus 80% by 2030. Even today there are a number of projects where tech enhancements are a requirement to be a part of the project and these solutions will be considered as the norm.

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